Friday, February 4, 2011

Big Changes Ahead

In the past two weeks, I have gotten a glimpse to what lies ahead in the next school year. Normally, I try not to think ahead as it is all I can do to get through current life....but these events have left me no choice..... Last Friday, the principal of our school announced he would retire at the end of the school year. He has lead the school for the past 10 years and been an educator for over 39 years so I guess it is time. Then, yesterday, my immediate boss announced she would be retiring at the end of the school year. Needless to say, next year could prove to be very different....but I am up for the challenge and, no, I have absolutely no interest in taking my bosses place!

On a thankful note, the Mom of the child who is currently in preschool and is a brittle diabetic told me the other day that she is considering leaving him in preschool for one more year. That would be a big relief for me.

Happy Friday everyone....more snow is on the way....UGH!


  1. Wow, lots of change a coming your way!


  2. Different it will certainly be next year for the two of us!

  3. Wow. Those are some very big changes. I know you will shine even in the new circumstances! : )

  4. No such luck on that kid...he's a comin' here next year...
