Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First Harvest

JBM and I came home after a week to find that some of our crops were ready for harvest. The extreme heat of the week had taken a toll on the pea plants but the harvest was OK. The burgundy beans look as if they will be plentiful this year. Here is a photo of our lovely treats! By the time you read this, we will have cooked and eaten all of them and will be looking to pick more.

By the way....I was right that the first harvest was before 7/15......I will try not to gloat too much :)

The tomatoes are huge and look like they are going to be plentiful. I think the plants have topped five feet in height! Any bigger and I will be picking them off a ladder! But I heard a story on NPR that the blight from last year is back....I hope not!

1 comment:

  1. YUM! Our beans were eaten back for the third time...
    Getting lots of peppers and the tomatoes look like they'll be great in about a month.
